Impulse to Rhyme

Just enjoy


Just enjoy the sun, for one day we won’t see,
Its rays, heat our face as masks are permanently
Mandated, ever since we rose 5 degrees C,
Now the wars for food and water are constantly
In the 2020s, we lived with no real fear,
Scientists, the Nobel’s, they’ll figure it out in the near
Children are aware of our approaching planet’s doom,
Industrious adults couldn’t fathom losing Zoom.

Just enjoy the ocean, for one day we won’t see,
It’s blue winds race and caress our face, as our masks are permanently,
Required, so hot without them, we can’t even breathe,
Now the wars for food and water is our anarchy,
We snatched and pulled trillions of fish, 
So much by-catch, that’s us fulfilling every wish
We can and we will, continue it’s plunder,
For man, it knows little of wonder or surrender.

Just enjoy the food, for one day we won’t eat,
All the insects have died, no soil, just heat.
Most enslaved, since we rose 5 degrees C,
Now the wars for food and water, in perpetuity,
We thought we were separate from the Earth,
We thought we could control and command Her dirt,
All the magic she offered to all and for free,
We spent carefree, O how these egos breed.

Just enjoy the Moon, for one day we won’t see,
The waves to surf our soul as masks a permanently,
Needed, ever since we rose 5 degrees C,
Heeded never, now a heated decree
The top 1% live on Mars and the other planets,
We saved 1 species, while destroying all other inhabitants
Was it worth the sacrifice to save this human race?
Let’s the roll the dice, and see how we treat the rest of space.